Dr. Maha Mian, Ph.D

We all experience stress and discomfort. And sometimes you reach

a point where the things that used to work to help you just aren’t

cutting it. This can feel challenging and overwhelming—but this can

also be a chance to find new ways to cope.

I’m Maha, a second-generation South Asian cisgender woman, passionate

about empowering individuals to embrace opportunities for exploration,

reflection, and engagement to promote insight and growth.

At times, life seems to move so fast—moving to new places, starting and

ending relationships, taking on challenges—and maybe now you’re looking for

a place just for yourself. A place to understand how your history intersects

with present, how your identity shapes your relationships and the world

shapes you, and how to deal with feelings that don’t always feel good or

make sense.

When you can cultivate a space to reflect and take stock of those pieces of

yourself, you can get the chance to also put them together in ways you may

not have imagined. That is the kind of space I want to help you cultivate for


My clinical approach focuses on the therapeutic relationship. I believe that

building trust and authenticity is not just the foundation for growth, but also

a part of the work itself. Through this framework, you can learn about yourself

in relation to others.

You can also weave together your own story, understanding more about where

you’ve been, where you are now, and where you would like to be in the future.

Most importantly, you get to show up as a whole person in whatever way that

means to you. I sincerely invite you to reach out and look forward to meeting

you soon.